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2022-02-28 17.01_edited
2022-02-28 16.39_edited

       It's never too late in life to practice yoga. Had it been so, I would have had to stop practicing long ago. Why should I stop practicing now? Many Indian yogis reach a stage in their lives where they say they have come to Samadhi, and do not need to practice any more. But I have not said so to this day. Why not? Learning is a pleasure, and there are many pleasures that can be achieved through the practice of yoga. But I do not do it for pleasure! In the early days pleasure was the goal, but now it is a by-product. The sharpness of reason I have developed - it must not be lost. This is why the practice must continue


BKS Iinger  Client from "The Yoga Tree" / BKS Iyengar / English: Eyal Shafroni 

Hadar Yoga in the Desert

Niv Druckman

"There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way"

Who am I

I am Hadar Hod Ratner, a partner of Itai, a mother of Lior and Zohar, a teacher since 2003.  

Certified Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa (Dynamic Yoga) teacher, focuses on and explores the poses and movement they build in a combination of ocean breathing = Ojai and body holding that allows proper posture, flow and strengthening = bandages.

I used to teach at Moshav Bnei Atarot in the center of the country and since 2010 I have been teaching at Paran in the Middle Arava.

I see yoga as a way of life and teaching yoga based on experience, exploration and learning acquired over the years as a way to pass on the ancient tradition that began in India more than 2500 years ago.

Persistence in practicing yoga is a key to beneficial change during the lesson and in life itself.

The lessons are taught from the guiding principles: devotion, honesty, modesty, invulnerability, listening and love ...

What does Desert Yoga Studio offer you?

Bella Bella Bella Bella Teachers Course

Teacher course

A life-changing course for teaching Vinyasa Yoga combining music and mindfulness


Blah blah blah blah private lessons

private lessons

One-time or long-term classes as a holistic treatment


Blah blah blah blah regular classes

Regular classes

Regular classes held in the studio


Bella Bella Bella Bella Weekend Workshops

Weekend workshops

Workshops designed for all levels or advanced as part of a teacher training course


Bella Bella Bella Bella Studio Rental

Studio rental

The place can be rented for various workshops and activities


Bella Bella Bella Bella Workshops for groups

Workshops for groups

Workshops suitable for groups / families / friends / company employees and more

"Man is made of flesh and blood organs, organs, muscles, bones, tendons, cells ... but it is not all man. There is no man without these but there is something else invisible, inconceivable and he, he is allowed man. And this miraculous thing has no measure "Weight and dimension but it is found without seeing, acting and activating and through it a person understands, grasps, thinks, sees fortunes and communicates with past generations and days to come, and penetrates the mists of distances and the secrets of nature. And this invisible something is called spirit"


David Ben Gurion 


בחזרה לראש העמוד

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